Board of Supervisors issues ‘One Bag Challenge’ to attack litter problem

Pulaski County new logoFrom Pulaski County Board of Supervisors
Road Side Trash. This has been a hot topic recently for citizens and the Pulaski County Board of Supervisors share the same concerns regarding the trash that has accumulated on several of our County roads. Deliberate littering by individuals, as well as, debris from vehicles during transport have been the main culprits of this pressing issue.
The Board has been working with the Commonwealth Attorneys Office and Pulaski County
Community Corrections Department to utilize individuals who need to perform community service
hours as restitution from the courts, but unfortunately the availability has not been enough to keep
up with the demand over the winter months.
The Board of Supervisors is very appreciative of recent efforts by the Pulaski County Public
Service Authority (PSA) and County staff to provide extra aid in cleaning up the Countys
roadsides and Sheriff Mike Worrell and his staff are committed to continuing to issue citations to
anyone caught littering.
In an effort to further address this issue, the Board is issuing a One Bag Challenge to the Town
of Pulaski and Dublin Councils, the Pulaski County School Board, as well as all of our citizens to
help combat this issue and pick up at least one bag of trash (multiple bags are always welcome!)
along a littered area or roadway throughout the County. Participants are asked to take a before and
after photos along with your bag(s) and send it to Laura Walters, Chair, Pulaski County Board of
Supervisors, at These photos will be posted on the Countys website
and social media outlets in an effort to recognize those who are setting a great example by
displaying their Pulaski County Pride in our community by helping to keep our roadsides clean.
For those who are interested in participating, reflective safety vests, gloves, trash pickers and trash
bags are available at the County Administration Building, located at 143 Third Street N.W., in the
town of Pulaski, or you may contact your respective Board of Supervisor member to get supplies.
All citizens who participate and submit photo proof will be eligible to win one of five $100.00
VISA GIFT CARDS through a drawing. The gift card drawing will be held on May 22, 2023, at
the Pulaski County Board of Supervisors monthly meeting (participants do not have to present to
Please remember littering is illegal and totally unnecessary. We want to keep the County we live
in clean and welcoming. Thank you in advance to citizens who participate in the One Bag
Challenge or any future efforts to clean up the community. Also, keep in mind that safety is the
first priority in this challenge, so please use caution when working around moving vehicles along
the roadways.
Let the clean up begin!