Schlottmann tapped Volunteer Coach of the Year

7 19 Volunteer Coach of the YearPictured left to right: CJ Burgis, Jeffrey Reeves, Guenter Schlottmann, Duane Thomas, Laura Walters, Mark Atkins, and Mike Mooney.

Pulaski County Parks and Recreation held their 2nd Annual Volunteer Appreciation Night at historic Calfee Park on Sunday, July 14th. The department wished to recognize and extend their immense appreciation to the many volunteers that serve Pulaski County through recreation activities.

This event also featured the 2024 Volunteer Coach of the Year award announcement. Through many community nominations, the 2024 finalists were identified as Mark Atkins, Guenter Schlottmann, and Duane Thomas.

Members of the Pulaski County Board of Supervisors joined the finalists on field for the presentation of this prestigious award including Chair Laura Walters, Mike Mooney, and Jeffrey Reeves.

The winning Volunteer Coach of the Year has served in various volunteer coach capacities, including soccer, bat and ball, and basketball for several decades. In the words of our community, he is known for treating players with equality and respect while challenging them to learn the sport and play their best. He is described as carrying a joy and love for the game that is passed onto his players. He fosters a climate that makes players feel like family and encourages youth to have a good time while hustling and showing excellent sportsmanship.

One specific nomination said, “He is the epitome of coaching excellence and is truly the most valuable coach. Our daughter is fortunate to have played both soccer and coach-pitch baseball with this coach. He teaches the sports extremely well; he develops each player and makes them into a better player throughout the season. He is conscientious of teamwork and tremendously aware of each player’s needs and development. When my daughter first had this coach, she was so happy that it was a requirement that everyone learn everyone else’s name. While this may seem small, her heart soared each time she was able to greet a player by name and they did the same. This coach took my daughter’s skillset, which was not very developed, and taught her the game thoroughly. He did so while protecting the small human first, which is remarkable. Each player knows they are cared for deeply and it is that respect that pushes players to do their very best.”

It was the distinct pleasure of the Pulaski County Board of Supervisors, and Pulaski County Parks and Recreation, to announce the winner as Coach Guenter Schlottmann and extend an award plaque as small token of appreciation. Congratulations and thank you to all of our nominated coaches and finalists.