School board to consider revised opening plan following governor’s speech

The Pulaski County School Board will now be asked to consider the following revision to its reopening plan. The changes (listed in italics) are necessary to be in compliance with VA Senate Bill 1303 which states, “The bill requires each school board to provide such in-person instruction in a manner in which it adheres, to the maximum extent practicable, to any currently applicable mitigation strategies for early childhood care and education programs and elementary and secondary schools to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 that have been provided by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

This provision was cited as a the legal requirement for universal masking in schools by Governor Northam on August 5, 2021.

DRAFT- PCPS Tiered Reopening Plan for 2021-2022
REVISED 06 Aug 21

Based on the requirements of Virginia SB 1303 and the most recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, PCPS will open in Tier II. Once the applicable requirements are removed, adjustments between Tier I, II, & III will be made on an individual school basis and in consultation with the New River Health District.
The hours of the school day will return to their regular times and all bus routes will return to their regular schedules for 2021-2022.

Tier I- (No to low verified transmission within a school building.)
1. Masks required on school transportation.
2. Masks optional inside of the school buildings and at all school events for vaccinated adults and all students. Unvaccinated employees will need to continue to wear face coverings while indoors (per DOLI requirements). Employees who request will be supplied an N95 mask to wear. School nurses will manage these requests and conduct any fittings that may be required.
3. Outside visitors permitted inside of schools.
4. Fieldtrips are permitted in conjunction with regular field trip guidelines.
5. Meals eaten in the cafeteria.
6. 3 feet of social distancing is the goal but not a requirement.
7. Cleaning and sanitization occur on a regular schedule.
8. Students or staff who are symptomatic should stay home until being symptom free for more than 24 hours and if unvaccinated, follow isolation/test/quarantine protocols for COVID 19 exposure.

Tier II- (Moderate verified transmission within a school building.)
1. Masks required on school transportation.

2. Masks required inside of all school buildings.
3. Limited outside visitors permitted into the school with health checks & verification of vaccination.
4. Fieldtrips reevaluated by principal and decided on a case by case basis.
5. Meals eaten in the cafeteria with increased social distancing.
6. 3 feet of social distancing (or as close as we can get) will be the standard in classrooms.
7. Cleaning and sanitization will occur on a regular schedule with increased emphasis on commonly used areas.
8. Students or staff who are symptomatic should stay home until being symptom free for more than 24 hours and if unvaccinated, follow isolation/test/quarantine protocols for COVID 19 exposure.

Tier III- (High verified transmission within a school building.)
1. Masks required on school transportation.
2. Masks required for all individuals inside of the building and at all school events.
3. No outside visitors permitted into the school.
4. No fieldtrips will occur.
5. Six feet of social distancing will be required while eating meals.
6. Three feet of social distancing will be required in the classroom. (The school may be placed on a 50% attendance schedule if needed to ensure proper distancing.)
7. Increased cleaning and sanitizing will occur in all areas.
8. Health checks will be conducted for all individuals on a daily basis.
9. Students or staff who are symptomatic should stay home until being symptom free for more than 24 hours and if unvaccinated, follow isolation/test/quarantine protocols for COVID 19 exposure.
10. Implement remote learning protocols if needed to limit exposure and prevent infection spread.