Schools issue new COVID isolation info

PC SChools roundPulaski County Public Schools has issued new information concerning isolation for COVID-19.

According to a release today from the school system, “Students and staff who contract COVID-19 no longer need to automatically isolate for five days, according to new guidance issued this week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

The release continued that the CDC “still recommends that those with the coronavirus stay home from school or work for at least a full day after their symptoms improve and they no longer have a fever (without fever-reducing medication)for at least 24 hours. The CDC continues to recommend those infected wash their hands, use masks, and keep physical distance from others where possible for at least five days.”

“According to CDC Director Mandy Cohen, the agency changed its recommendations because 98 percent of Americans now have at least partial COVID immunity and there are more effective treatments for the illness,” the release states.