Sewerage Authority replacing sewer lines in one area of Fairlawn
The Pulaski County Sewerage Authority, which services Fairlawn and nearby areas began an improvement project in the area of the Fairlawn Presbyterian Church on Monday, June 8th. The PCSA is replacing the sewer lines in that vicinity.
According to Dennis Setliff, Chair of the PCSA, “Smoke testing coupled with investigation using a newly developed hydraulic model of the sewer system indicated that this area was a large contributor to storm water entering the system.”
The storm water increases costs to the sewerage authority as it increases the flow that the authority pays the Peppers Ferry Regional Wastewater Treatment plant to process. The storm water is at least partially responsible for causing occasional overflows of the system on Oxford Avenue.
The PCSA, with assistance from Thompson & Litton who defined the technical solution, requested competitive bids which led to the contract being awarded to HT Bowling Inc. The work of excavating the old piping and installing nearly 200’ of new piping while still maintaining 24 hour operation of the system began on Monday with a schedule to complete the project by the end of the week.