ENTF: Thanks for the support

thankyou2A Message of Acknowledgement and Appreciation to the Governing Bodies of Pulaski

The Positive Impact of Collaboration and Support for The Emergency Needs Task Force of Pulaski County (ENTF)

To the County Governing Body, we thank you again for the $20,000 monetary contribution. Your contribution enabled ENTF to reinstate our rent/mortgage assistance. This is particularly important because having a roof overhead makes all the difference to the individuals and families facing financial hardship.

To the Town’s Governing Body, we thank you again for the $10,000 monetary contribution. Your contribution allowed for continued utility assistance to low-income individuals and families at risk of having their utilities shutoff. Having access to essential utilities is crucial to meet basic needs which contribute to a healthier community.

The attentiveness to the needs of community members demonstrated by both the County and Town is commendable. Your generous contributions anchored our ability to further provide and facilitate emergency financial assistance to low-income individuals and families who are experiencing a financial crisis.

Once again, thank you for your invaluable support. We look forward to continuing our collaboration and making a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.