More on two-way traffic in Downtown Pulaski
From the Town of Pulaski:

Effective Monday, February 13, 2023, the traffic lights that have been flashing at the intersection of West Main and Washington and West Main and Jefferson will be bagged.
Four-way stop signs have been at these locations for several weeks and motorists should stop at these intersections even while Main Street is closed.
Effective Monday, February 27, 2023, the left lane on 3rd street will be closed off so traffic traveling west will only be able to travel in the right lane.
One lane access will continue to the intersection of 3rd and Washington. At the intersection of 3rd and Washington, the left turn lane will not be accessible and motorists wishing to turn left will do so from the right / straight through the lane.
Traffic lights / signals will be placed on flashing mode at the 3rd Street / Washington Avenue intersection.
Four-way stop signs will also be placed at this intersection.
Given the current number of parking spaces on the south lane, the one-way pattern will stop at the intersection to allow use of the parking spaces on the side of the street by court house visitors until that lane is dedicated to traffic traveling from the west and two-way traffic is put in place on 3rd Street.
February 9, 2023 @ 10:27 am
Still do not understand the need to go to two way traffic on Third and Main. This system has worked in Pulaski for over 50 years and the locals understand the traffic pattern. There seems to be two reasons for the change, first the Town paid for a traffic study and now feels the need to implement it and second a few merchants (most of whom are no longer in business) felt that having two way traffic would benefit their business.
In my opinion neither of the reasons will benefit the community, but all of us will have to live with it; until Council realizes their mistake. It is going to be interesting and not very safe for both drivers and pedestrians.
February 9, 2023 @ 11:37 am
We need to replace all the Town Council as soon as possible. No one is liking anything taking place in this town now. It’s not like anyone goes shopping downtown. Nothing much is there.
February 9, 2023 @ 1:11 pm
This is the worst decision I have seen in a very long time. I thought that the worst decisions were to keep spending money time after time to do study after study about downtown and never doing anything about it. This action is a very big mistake that seems to not have been well studied 😕.
February 9, 2023 @ 6:37 pm
Some people who drive does not know who has the right away I was almost hit by a lady driving a van I came to the stop first she was second she was driving like she was in a hurry I was driving through and she pulled out in front of me and I slammed on my breaks to avoid from hitting her. Might want to post something about this I have been driving for so many years and know about the 4 way stop signs.
February 9, 2023 @ 7:32 pm
Just avoid downtown all together.i will