New playground equipment being installed in town

Pulaski logoBy MIKE WILLIAMS

The Patriot

All new playground equipment has arrived for parks in the Town of Pulaski. Also, some sidewalk construction is coming as are some new apartments. And the town is participating in a special project to honor veterans.

Town Manager Darlene Burcham told Town Council at their meeting Tuesday evening that Valley Road Park had been closed just that day to allow for installation of new playground equipment next week.

Sixth Street Park will be next.

Burcham said Heritage Park will remain open until construction of the new equipment begins there next week, followed by installation work at Kiwanis Park, which Burcham said sees the heaviest use and is the one being left to the end for installation.

She said work at all the parks should be completed by Thanksgiving.

Sidewalk Construction

On another front, new sidewalks are being installed on portions of Memorial Drive. She said the town will take an inventory of other areas where sidewalks may need to be installed in the future and a grant will be sought for that purpose.

Operation Green Light

Burcham told council the town is participating in Operation Green Light, which it learned about through Facebook.

Operation Green Light is a nationwide effort to put green lights on buildings, homes, etc. to show support for the nation’s military veterans.

She said the green lights at the town’s Municipal Building will be on through Veterans Day, Nov. 11.

New Apartments

Two public hearings were held at Tuesday’s meeting involving changes to the town’s comprehensive plan zoning map and rezoning of property at 0 First Street, N.W. and 34 First Street, N.W. from I-2 Industrial to B-3 Central Business.

The change in zoning from I-2 Industrial to B-3 Central Business will pave the way for development of apartments and mixed uses.

Local developer Luke Allison was on hand to represent the owners of the property, Peak Creek LLC – owners of property also at 67 and 69 West Main Street, Pulaski.

According to Allison and Burcham, Peak Creek hopes to use Historic Tax Credits to construct as many as 35 upstairs apartments with ground floor commercial businesses in the buildings.

Allison said the owners of the property see a market in Pulaski for apartments of variety of styles.