NRV Master Gardener Program seeking applicants for 2023 training class
The New River Valley Master Gardener Program is seeking applicants for the 2023 Master Gardener Training class. The classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from February 23rd through May 11th on the Virginia Tech Campus and at the Montgomery County Government Center. Topics covered include basic botany, plant propagation, herbaceous plants, houseplants, vegetables, fruits, pruning, landscape design, floral design, lawn care, woody plants, entomology, plant pathology, abiotic stresses, soils, and pesticide use and safety. The cost for the course is $185.00 and a 50-hour volunteer internship.
Contact Wendy Silverman at the Montgomery County Extension Office at 540-382-5790 for more information.
Applications are due January 18, 2023.