Pulaski PD re-launching Project Lifesaver program

Pulaski Police Department is excited to relaunch our Program Lifesaver program for the residents of the Town of Pulaski. This will be a free service offered to individuals and their caretakers that will help us locate them should they wander off.

Project Lifesaver was founded in Chesapeake, Virginia in 1999 after several individuals saw the need for services to locate persons who wander off. The ideological concept for the tracking device was that a missing human could be tracked much like biologists track animals in the wild. In 1999, many patients of neurological disorders were not found in time when they wandered off and thus Project Lifesaver was born.

Project Lifesaver today is used by 1646 member agencies. An agency can track a wandering person by relying on a unique radio frequency that the patient will have on his/her person utilizing a transmitter. Each transmitter is attached to the patient via an arm band and allows the agency to use a special receiver to locate that arm band, its special frequency, and the patient wearing it. In most cases, the agency has the ability with Project Lifesaver equipment to locate a wandering person within 30 minutes of arriving to the last location the individual was observed.

Individuals and their caretakers who are eligible for the service include: Alzheimer’s (Dementia) patients, Down Syndrome individuals, Autistic persons, and those who suffer from a Traumatic Brain Injury.

If you would like information on how to sign up or would like to see how the program will work, please contact me at (540)994-8676 or sramsey@pulaskitown.org.

Since the program is being offered free to needed individuals, we are accepting donations towards the cost of equipment. At this time, we have enough transmitters and arm bands for 7 people and only 2 receivers. We would like to purchase at least 1 more receiver and more transmitters to ensure that we are able to quickly locate any and all individuals who may need the service.”

Sonia Ramsey,

Community Resource Specialist

Pulaski Police Department