Pulaski Town Council meets tonight (Tuesday, 6-6-23)

Pulaski logoPulaski Town Council Agenda for its meeting tonight (Tuesday):

6:00p.m.                                                    Closed Session                             Council Chambers

  1. VA Code 2.2-3711 (A) 1 (1 item)- Discussion of a Personnel Matter- Town Manager
  2. VA Code 2.2-3711 (A) 1 (1 item)- Consideration of the Acquisition/Disposition of Real Property

7:00 p.m.                                                   Public Session                              Council Chambers

  1. Certification of Closed Session
  2. Pledge of Allegiance                                                          Councilman Dawson
  3. Invocation                                                          Councilman East
  4. Guests and Visitors
  5. Modify Public Session if Necessary
  6. Public Hearings
    1. Case 2023-RZ-001 Rezone 2460 Lee Hwy [tax parcel 063-025-025A] from R-1 (Single Family Residence District) to RO (Residential Office District)- Ordinance 2023-08
    2. Resolution 2023-19 Appropriating Grant Funds
  7. Resolution 2023-20 Adopting General Fund Budget for FY 2023-2024
  8. Resolution 2023-21 Adopting Funds for the Capital Improvement Plan
  9. Resolution 2023-22 Adopting Water Rates for FY 2023-2024
  10. Resolution 2023-23 Adopting Water Fund for FY 2023-2024
  11. Resolution 2023-24 Adopting Funds for the Water Fund Capital Improvement Plan
  12. Resolution 2023-25 Adopting Sewer Rates for FY 2023-2024
  13. Resolution 2023-26 Adopting Sewer Fund for FY 2023-2024
  14. Resolution 2023-27 Adopting Solid Waste Fund for FY 2023-2024
  15. Resolution 2023-28 Revising Pay and Classification Plan
  16. Resolution 2023-29 Cemetery Funds
  17. Ordinance 2023-09 Amending Chapter 26 Article II to the Code of Ordinances
  18. Resolution 2023-30 PFRWTA Board Appointment- J. Worrell
  19. Resolution 2023-31 PFRWTA Board Appointment- L. Penn
  20. Resolution 2023-32 PFRWTA Alternate Appointment- W. Pedigo
  21. Resolution 2023-33 PFRWTA Alternate Appointment- J. Radcliffe
  22. Public Comment Period


(The Town Council welcomes your input. You may address the Council by completing a speaker’s slip available at the door and giving it to the Clerk of Council prior to the meeting. At this time, you may address the Council on items that are not on the agenda or items on the Consent Agenda. The limit is three (3) minutes for each speaker.)


  1. Consent Agenda
    1. Consideration of May 16, 2023 Minutes
    2. Consideration of May 19, 2023 Town Council/ Planning Commission Minutes
  2. Council Comments
  3. Manager’s Report
  4. Reminder of Future Council Meeting
    1. June 20, 2023, Closed Session 6:00 p.m.; Open Session 7:00 p.m.