RU President calls for students to participate in Sept. 19 Bigger Picture Rally and March
Radford University President Brian Hemphill is asking all RU students to participate in a Sept. 19 march and rally in Radford sponsored by the Black Lives Matter organization.
In a mass email to students, Hemphill asked RU students to “serve as exemplary role models for our campus, our community and our country.”
“To create needed and profound change, I ask that you join me in denouncing racism and reporting discrimination,” Hemphill wrote.
He continued that, “As an African American, I have witnessed racism throughout my life. I was discriminated against during my childhood, teenage years and college experience. … Today, acts of discrimination are still very real for me and so many others.”
Hemphill told students that his personal experience “represents only one of the millions of Americans who have experienced first-hand the injustice and intolerance in our society.”
“As a Radford family, we cannot allow others to define who we are, and what we stand for, and how we respond. As such, I applaud those who have faithfully supported Black Lives Matter in sharing a peaceful and powerful message for change, as well as hope.”
He continued, “As we move forward together in sharing a united message that Black Lives Matter, I am asking members of Highlander Nation to pledge in serving as active and vocal participants by advocating for equality and fairness now and well into the future. I look forward to joining with our passionate students as part of The Bigger Picture March and Rally to be held on the afternoon of September 19, 2020.”
Radford University’s enrollment in 2019 was 9,335 students.
Hemphill’s call for students’ participation in the rally and march comes at a time when the City of Radford has experienced a jump in COVID-19 cases – enough of a jump to be included in a recent New York Times list of the top ten outbreaks in the nation.
As of Monday, Radford reported 669 positive cases of COVID-19 – a large jump since students returned to campus at Radford University. That compares, for instance, to Pulaski County which has 182 cases as of Monday and 1,487 in Montgomery County.
City Council recently set a 50-person limit on gatherings in the city, which it has been enforcing. It was meeting Monday night to consider extending the time period in which the limit on gatherings is to be in place.
Radford University has a 10-person limit on gatherings and has been enforcing its gathering rule by suspending students for violations.
The Patriot reached out to Hemphill Monday afternoon on how the rally and march would co-exist with those gathering limits, however, he had not responded as of Monday evening.
Editor’s note: A reader has taken exception with our stating that Black Lives Matter is sponsoring the Sept. 19 march. Our source stated BLM was the sponsor, and we reached out to Dr. Hemphill on the matter. He has not responded to our email. The reader sent us a link to a flyer for the march, which is displayed below. No sponsor of the event is named, however, there are a variety of organizations’ logos at the bottom of the flier.
September 14, 2020 @ 8:22 pm
Wow. And social distancing means nothing to this school. Their students are making it worse on everyone else. They sent the public schools home and RU students get to stay. Idiots
September 15, 2020 @ 8:19 pm
The public schools decision had NOTHING to do with the college cases. The contact tracing has proven the RU cases are not affecting the community cases.
September 14, 2020 @ 8:24 pm
This is ridiculous when even churches are not allowed to have gatherings of more than 50 people. Honestly sounds like he wants to stir up trouble and promote racism.
September 14, 2020 @ 8:29 pm
So Radford University doesn’t give a damn about spreading covid to all of its yearly residents that pay taxes, support local businesses, attend high school football games, and many other things the town has.
Kids can’t go trick or treating, but your gonna have a mass of people marching, spreading the virus.
The only good thing I ever did when I graduated Radford high school, was move the hell out of Radford. If I could get my mother to leave I’d be very happy. Radford has never gave a damn about its residents until tax time and time to ask for a vote.
September 14, 2020 @ 8:33 pm
Radford is in deep doo doo now.
September 14, 2020 @ 8:53 pm
Something needs to be done to stop have all these high schools students around and im sure there be bunch to go..and i have a child in one of them and I also have a young baby at home .If the covid is bad enough there already that they have restrictions of gatherings THIS IS LUDICROUS.For that Person to Even Suggest..Gezzzzz Use your Head besides something for hat rack..WE NEED Someone To Step In and Stop this crap NOW
September 14, 2020 @ 9:11 pm
The NRA should plan an event at the same time just to make things interesting. They can all open carry an AR-15 to see things remain peaceful and retained on campus.
September 15, 2020 @ 7:54 am
You’re an idiot, you want people to bring guns to a college rally for BLM to “see what happens”?
If they do, YOU should be held responsible if anything bad we’re to happen. Now that I think about it, you were probably in the KKK rally that we, the students, peacefully turned around in the middle of town some 30 years ago.
September 15, 2020 @ 8:16 am
Your name should be ‘Karen’ and ou’re an idiot. You want people to bring guns to a college rally for BLM to “see what happens”?
If they do, YOU should be held responsible if anything bad we’re to happen. Now that I think about it, you were probably in the KKK rally that we, the students, peacefully turned around in the middle of town some 30 years ago
September 15, 2020 @ 1:30 pm
Really? Why would you want to incite violence on a campus of young people. Mostly between 18-24 who will be peacefully protesting.
Do you enjoy intimidation and creating toxic conflict?
Look back at the videos and pictures of the mid-late 60’s civil rights movement, where MLK JR led peaceful protest. And you’ll see where the NRA and gun toting “concerned citizens” were mad about POC having rights like them. You know, things like going to school, eating in a restaurant, riding a bus.
Those “concerned citizens” sent dogs and police and fire hoses after them. Beating and even killing some of them. And they never burned a house, or looted, never participated in the violence. Yet people like you think it’s funny and entertaining to see and even promote the violence.
The NRA has the right to protest just like any other organization. But your suggestion was to do way more and in a way that would incite violence and intimidation. And I would guarantee you that if one of the protesters were to fight back if they needed to, they be labeled as rioters at the snap of a finger.
Our kids, our community and even Our Police Officers do not need to be put at risk for your schadenfreude. It’s actually quite disgusting.
September 14, 2020 @ 9:36 pm
Indeed, the nonchalance and irresponsible behavior of University population has made Life more difficult for Radford Citizens.
And I agree, President Hemphill is naive and ridiculous. There are two LA (Compton) Police Officers who were both shot In the face Sunday while sitting in their car by a Black Lives Matter thug. President Hemphill missed the memo that BLM are violent Marxist anarchists.
Sadly, the Radford City counsel may not possess ample commitment to protect Residents. Radford businesses need to board up in advance of the “March”. And residents need to pull together ready for the violence. No worries Radford, you’ve got Friends in C’burg, MC, and PC!
September 14, 2020 @ 10:26 pm
So, President Hemphill, just image how successful you could have been in your life , had it not been for systemic racism in America . Now, you are in a position to promote an organization that has an avowed Marxist co-founder who promotes a Marxist-Lenin ideology. As an educator, you should research an organization before you back them.
September 16, 2020 @ 8:16 am
I’m sure he knows he is advancing Marxism and anarchy.
September 14, 2020 @ 10:45 pm
I am all for gatherings. I think it is s part of our DNA as social people. As a group, the RU students have been responsible at the school and the only reason numbers have spiked is the mandatory testing. 99% of Radford has not nor will ever be tested. I do hope that the kids who have been suspended for social gatherings will be allowed to attend this gathering. Seems like hypocrisy otherwise. People who can’t protest without using foul language, spelling hate or breaking/burning should be dealt with or the city’s citizens will be victims. Just my thoughts
September 14, 2020 @ 11:57 pm
All of those commenting before me should probably attend the march to see the bigger picture. Clearly you all are missing the point. Not once in his email did he mention this was apart of the BLM movement. Clearly the city of Radford needs to open its eyes to the ignorance that takes place in the city.
September 15, 2020 @ 8:31 am
Did you not read… it says Sponsored by Black Lives Matter!!! Maybe you should read before making an assumption about what is clearly written in black and white. BLM is a hateful group that is only wanting to divide a nation and remove all history that made the US the remarkable country it is. The only way to defeat hate is love. That is not BLM and it’s supporters.
September 15, 2020 @ 10:57 am
First of all Ann, before you rush to judge Samantha for not reading, Brian Hemphill never said that the rally was sponsored by BLM, the article in The Patriot did, and if you try to search for evidence beyond this article to support that, there is none to be found. This is what Hemphill actually said to the campus community:
Dear Students:
Highlanders are known for their caring and compassionate nature. And, I am reaching out today to ask that you serve as exemplary role models for our campus, our community, and our country. With so much turmoil in our nation, we have a unique opportunity to lead by example. To create needed and profound change, I ask that you join me in denouncing racism and reporting discrimination.
As an African American, I have witnessed racism throughout my life. I was discriminated against during my childhood, teenage years, and college experience. The individuals who doubted my worth and questioned my ability fueled my desire to reach my goals and support others in reaching their goals. Today, acts of discrimination are still very real for me and so many others. As a University President, I am dedicated to empowering others. As a father, I am concerned about the significant and lasting impact on current and future generations.
My personal experience represents just one of the millions of Americans who have experienced first-hand the injustice and intolerance in our society. So many individuals have stepped forward to share their personal stories. These stories remind us that what others say and do have real impacts and, in some cases, tragic outcomes. As a Radford family, we cannot allow others to define who we are, what we stand for, and how we respond. As such, I applaud those who have faithfully supported Black Lives Matter in sharing a peaceful and powerful message for change, as well as hope!
As we move forward together in sharing a united message that Black Lives Matter, I am asking members of Highlander nation to pledge in serving as active and vocal participants by advocating for equality and fairness now and well into the future. I look forward to joining with our passionate students as part of The Bigger Picture March and Rally to be held on the afternoon of September 19, 2020.
To quote a civil rights legend and the late Congressman John Lewis, “Nothing can stop the power of a committed and determined people to make a difference in our society. Why? Because human beings are the most dynamic link to the divine on this planet.” As Highlanders, be committed, be determined, and make a difference!
With Highlander Pride,
Brian O. Hemphill, Ph.D.
But even if it is sponsored by Black Lives Matter, and if some of the founders of Black Lives Matter ascribe a Marxist ideology you find abhorrent, to dismiss the hundreds of thousands of people who marched in the streets after the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Jacob Blake, Daniel Prude (the list goes on), as violent Marxist anarchists, is to willfully ignore the evidence readily available to your own eyes and ears if you are willing to look. The vast majority of those people have no clue about the ideology of any particular activists and organizers, have been protesting peacefully, and for what? I can’t believe I have to say this, but it is so that maybe one day Black lives will matter in this country as much as White lives always have- that Black people, and other people of color, will be granted the “equal protection of the laws” promised to them by the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. I repeat: the countless people in the streets are not agitating for some radical Marxist/Leninist ideal, but exercising “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”, enshrined in the Constitution. A most noble and patriotic undertaking.
September 15, 2020 @ 12:13 pm
Maybe you should read the email it says sponsored by the Black Lives Matter movement at the very top
September 15, 2020 @ 12:27 pm
Maybe you should read the email. It says no such thing. The article in The Patriot says that at the very top, and no one at the Patriot has confirmed that that is true. The President’s email did not say that.
September 18, 2020 @ 8:55 am
No, I am not attending a March sponsored by a Marxist revolutionary party. The fact that the University is endorsing and sponsoring this March bothers me greatly. We don’t need a large gathering spreading disease in our town, which was doing fantastic at keeping virus numbers low before students returned to school. Universities and their students need to realize that they exist because the community they are located in allows it. Keep pulling this kind of stunt, and things may change.
September 15, 2020 @ 7:02 am
Patriot parade the same day. Same as Pulaski had.
September 16, 2020 @ 9:30 pm
I’m wearing my trump shirt
September 15, 2020 @ 7:21 am
Liberty University had a similar outing last week.
By the remarks on this article, RU has ALOT of educating to do around Radford and The NRV’s cultural ignorant population.
As the popular meme states ..
“The reason you don’t get it is because you’re RACIST”
Black Lives Matter isn’t a movement, its a lifestyle.
September 15, 2020 @ 11:35 am
Do you know that the founders of BLM are Marxists . Unless you are culturally ignorant, you know that. Patrice Cullors (Co/founder) is on record saying she is a Marxist follower. If you’re not culturally ignorant, you would know that’s Communism. Is that what you want for this country?
September 15, 2020 @ 2:15 pm
September 16, 2020 @ 11:16 am
Let me call all ten of Black Trump supporters across the country and ask…LOL.
Typing in all caps doesn’t make your message more true, it just makes you look dumber than your statement.
September 16, 2020 @ 7:19 pm
All 10? Wow you are very mistaken. Turn off CNN and follow people like Candice Owens, Brandon Tatum and The Hodgins Twins. Better yet, lookup “Blexit”.
September 15, 2020 @ 7:39 am
Forget the COVID spreading ramifications. Focus on the comments of the clown asking an entire student population to participate in something they likely haven’t even researched. The BLM movement is becoming like an infomercial with hundreds of “testimonials” that have no way to be validated or Vetted. Systemic racism has been disproven on so many fronts that the organization now resorts to using non-participant shaming to keep the dying narrative alive. Regardless of race,color, creed: anyone can be stupid, anyone can radicalized, anyone can be marginalized, anyone can rise above their lot in life. Don’t believe the hype, the real racists in the room are the very one touting systemic racism.
September 15, 2020 @ 7:42 am
As he supports BLM and speaks out against the men and women in blue, who does he anticipate to maintain a peaceful parameter? The very people he is “protesting”? Who will he call if this demonstration and his invitation to support hate does not incite peace but violence instead?
September 15, 2020 @ 8:11 am
Have you met the guy? Sounds like you want to “stir up trouble and promote racism”, yourself. Lots of you lemmings (look it up) on this to thread could use a college education, or just an education in general.
September 15, 2020 @ 8:25 pm
If you are talking about Dr. Hemphill, I didn’t see anything about men and women in blue.
September 15, 2020 @ 8:33 am
The first paragraph very clearly states, “Radford University President Brian Hemphill is asking all RU students to participate in a Sept. 19 march and rally in Radford sponsored by the Black Lives Matter organization.”
September 15, 2020 @ 11:03 am
Once again, that’s what the article says, not Hemphill. He says “I look forward to joining with our passionate students as part of The Bigger Picture March and Rally to be held on the afternoon of September 19, 2020.” He did not ask “all RU students to participate in a Sept. 19 march and rally sponsored by the Black Lives Matter organization”. He asks “that you join me in denouncing racism and reporting discrimination.”
September 15, 2020 @ 11:11 am
Nate: Just to le you know, we did reach out via email to Dr. Hemphill for comment and with several questions. However, he did respond back.
September 15, 2020 @ 11:12 am
Nate: Just to let you know, we did reach out via email to Dr. Hemphill for comment and with several questions. However, he did not respond back.
September 15, 2020 @ 11:25 am
Ok, that’s fine and all, but where did you get the information that the the event was “sponsored by the Black Lives Matter organization”? I’m not saying its false, but what Hemphill says in his letter does not indicate that, and I’ve seen no publicly available information that corroborates that either. If you do have a legitimate source for that assertion, please make it available. Otherwise you’re making unsubstantiated inferences that are having the effect of stirring up a lot of fear and aggression, as you can clearly see in from reading the comments section to this piece. If you do don’t have such a source, I would ask respectfully and for the benefit of all, that you issue a correction until such time as you can confirm that claim. Thanks.
September 15, 2020 @ 11:52 am
We went with what a trusted source told us. We did, however, reach out to Dr. Hemphill about that issue and others to no avail. I believe, however, judging from Dr. Hemphill’s comments that it is at the very least inspired by BLM if not sponsored. Probably very little difference.
September 15, 2020 @ 12:17 pm
Very big difference. The event is not being sponsored by a national organization that many local people associate with radical politics and violent protests, but by local student organizations and the NAACP. If people think that some swarm of violent protesters are coming to their town, they are likely to respond with aggression and possibly force. By your unconfirmed assertions you are inciting discord and potentially violence.
Call the Center for Diversity and Inclusion at Radford University. I bet you’ll get some more accurate information.
September 15, 2020 @ 2:17 pm
September 15, 2020 @ 9:06 am
6 foot rule out the window,School supposed to stay neutral on questionable organizations out the window,Mask out the window. I’m sorry but it seems like they want to make people sick and they back a violent racism group just doesn’t sound right for some reason.
September 18, 2020 @ 8:48 am
If violence comes to our small town due to Mr Hemphill’s organized March. We as residents of this small town will hold him 100% accountable. His decisions have already made this town unsafe due to his inability to enforce community law on campus. We really have had enough already!
September 15, 2020 @ 9:40 am
RU President calls for students to participate in Sept. 19 Bigger Picture Rally and March
RU President calls for students to participate in Sept. 19 Bigger Picture Rally and March
Radford University President Brian Hemphill is asking all RU students to participate in a Sept. 19 march and rally in Radford sponsored by the Black Lives Matter organization.
September 15, 2020 @ 10:02 am
Radford University should be calling for the resignation of Mr. Hemphill for the way he is handling the whole COVID-19 deal at Radford. As it is, the student body should be doing online classes. My son is in quarantine now, fortunately he was lucky and tested negative.
That being said, as an educated African American, Mr. Hemphill should certainly know by now that the BLM organization is nothing more than a Marxist, racist hate group that is trying to break down the nuclear black families of America. If they cared about all black lives they would do something about all of the black children that have died over the past two months. The only black lives that matter to BLM are those that support their movement not the black lives that are police officers and certainly not black lives that are critical conservative thinkers.
September 15, 2020 @ 11:36 am
How does Brian Hemphill and the University plan to uphold current suspensions due to gatherings, yet turn around and ask the entire student body (roughly) 9,300 students to gather together for this. Last I knew 10 students is the maximum for a gathering and 50 people in the city for gatherings.
September 15, 2020 @ 11:52 am
I found an flyer and Facebook link for the event. Apparently it is sponsored by the Black Student Alliance, R-SPaCE or Radford Student Programming and Campus Events, the Center for Diversity and Inclusion, and the NAACP. Not exactly violent Marxist/Leninist anarchist thugs. Just sayin’.
September 15, 2020 @ 11:56 am
We looked on Facebook as well, but did not find the document you speak of. We also did a Google search on “The Big Picture Rally and Marches” and turned up photos of marches and something about a song that has some connection apparently, or possibly just shares the name “Big Picture.” Not sure.
September 15, 2020 @ 2:28 pm
As a citizen who doesn’t live in radford but works there. I’m in Pulaski County and my Dad is in Fairlawn then my Mom is in a Rehab in Radford I have to see to their needs and stay COVID free to take care of them. Now Mr. Radford University President if the numbers go up because you are allowing groups of ” many” to gather me heath is at risk and my parents. What is it in for you? Maybe a bigger spike to put Radford in #1 in the Nation for highest COVID out brake!!! Thanks for your ” concern” for our community!
September 15, 2020 @ 3:13 pm
It does seem poorly timed to support a rally when Radford has gathering ordinances in place, however these comments are so disgusting. No wonder the economy is so depressed in the NRV. No one who comes to school here wants to stay after graduating and make something of themselves, to boost up the area and make it something good. People who come here to teach or work end up leaving (like me–can’t wait–I won’t let the door hit me in the arse–don’t worry). Not when they have neighbors like you! Not with people waving confederate flags in their yards. Not with people who hold onto ideals that BASIC human rights for everyone is something they can’t get behind and support. Y’all are so afraid of change and equality for everyone that you grasp so tightly at your pearls you unleash some rageful, racist monster within. So go ahead. Bring out your pitch forks and torches, the rest of us with half a brain and the desire to make this world a better place will just leave you be to roll around in your gross pig slop, while your community around you crumbles.
September 15, 2020 @ 3:29 pm
Maybe you should read his letter first sentence sponsored by blm read on alf way down you’ll see his comment all should be involved in the blm march at least 3 times he does mention blm PLease read
September 15, 2020 @ 4:10 pm
These quotes come directly from an article dated 08-25-20 in the Roanoke Times. What has changed since August 25th? I don’t think President Hemphill should be encouraging this gathering not because of the subject but because we are still in the middle of a Pandemic. He should be enforcing his own restrictions.
Meanwhile, Radford University announced Tuesday afternoon that it is banning gatherings of more than 10 students on or off campus, according to an email from President Brian Hemphill.
“If you are hosting or attending local parties and other large gatherings, you are putting your health and the health of others at risk. Furthermore, you are impacting your ability to remain in good standing at Radford University,” he wrote.
Entire article:
September 15, 2020 @ 5:42 pm
Such a shame when a university president puts his political agenda before the health of university students and the community.
September 15, 2020 @ 5:43 pm
Such a shame when a university president puts his political agenda before the health of university students and the community.
September 15, 2020 @ 6:25 pm
Thanks for accepting the feedback and posting the flyer. I think it more accurately reflects the organization’s involved in sponsoring the event.
September 15, 2020 @ 8:49 pm
Regardless of what you think Nate, it is a reflection of how selfish people really are when it comes to THEIR agenda. The students who are expelled didn’t have the same agenda so they pay the price.
September 15, 2020 @ 8:12 pm
“I applaud those who have promoted a peaceful and powerful message” ???? BLM movement has done nothing but promote violence and destruction. Any time you put a color in front of “lives matter” your promoting racism. This march will do nothing but escalate the spread of the virus and and spread more hate towards non-black people. This call for a march is a diplorable and irresponsible act by someone who is supposed to be a leader. Deliberately putting potentially thousands of lives at risk of possible death is an ignorant request.
September 15, 2020 @ 8:34 pm
I can’t believe that a public University would have such audacity to schedule such a rally in the midst of a pandemic especially when that University is part of contributing to the reguon being a hotspot for COVID-19! This is the most ludicrous and insensitive thing that I have ever seen in our community.
September 15, 2020 @ 8:37 pm
I want to know what our Mayor is going to do?? He works there!! He was going to shut down our businesses, tried to make use wear masks. How will he respond or will he join?? As another individual stated, they don’t care about Radford. Taxes are what they want and Power. I wonder if the Mayor and President got together and planned this?? Wouldn’t put nothing pas them.
Will he stand up or sit down?? You already know the answer!!
September 15, 2020 @ 10:32 pm
I want to know where our Mayor stands? He works there. He tried to shut down our businesses, wanted in enforce mask wearing and did this by calling an emergency meeting to get it done. Has the President met with your Mayor to discuss this action?
Will he stand up or will he sit down??
Most already know the answer to that 🇱🇷 The citizens of Radford deserve to know the answers on his plan of action.
September 16, 2020 @ 5:10 am
Sponsored or not by BLM, the fist logo with “the bigger picture words” is certainly intended to mimick the symbol of the BLM. If we want to move forward in this world, The Bigger Picture should be inclusion and equal rights for all. Any event separated by the color of one’s skin will never bring the world together and will continue to divide us. Dr. Hemphill may have experienced racism in his life, but he certainly has had great success to become president of RU. Why doesn’t he hold a March to empower people to overcome adversity and rise to the top.
September 16, 2020 @ 6:41 am
Let the stones fall where they may . BLM is a violent , Marxist organization . Hemphill is promoting an event that is a violation of his mandated rule on gatherings . Radford city police and other LEO affilations should speak out . Future disciplinary actions against students should be stopped . Businesses should lock their doors and refuse service due to the unlawful gathering laws in place . Any injuries or property damage incurred due to this rally should be levied against the organizers including and not limited to clean up by Radford City personnel.
September 16, 2020 @ 9:10 am
While Mr. Hemphill is entitled to his own opinion as a citizen of the United States, it is in very bad taste and in fact dangerous and disrespectful to openly encourage student participation in a protest march in support of a Marxist organization during a worldwide pandemic, in defiance of local gathering restrictions! his university already has a very large number of students testing positive for the corona virus and encouraging student participation puts the student body, campus employees, and local residents health and safety at risk and may put the university in a legal situation which could be financially detrimental! Not sure it is very wise for a state sponsored university to put this individual in a position he does not take seriously!
September 16, 2020 @ 10:00 am
I want to know were your Mayor stands?? He works there, so will he stand or sit in this matter. Here you have a Mayor that wanted to control the businesses in Radford about social gatherings, masks , etc. Leadership is poor in Radford when at one time it wasn’t about getting votes, but taking care of it’s citizens.
Of course most know what will happen with the Mayor, he will be in the front of the line. All lives matter to me!! Our Police in Radford are exceptional 🇱🇷🇱🇷 Get the bad apples out in OUR country and let’s get back to what made this the greatest country in the world🇱🇷🙏🇱🇷
September 16, 2020 @ 4:31 pm
How is it even ethical to hold a rally with over 10 people, when the RU mandate is just that?
Does he not consider that the RADFORD residents will be left to clean up his mess. A quiet, respectful rally is one thing, but we have enough proof groom months of protesting across the country that his little rally is just an open invitation for the bad guys to come into town and take over.
I thought he was a decent guy, but I just lost all respect for the man. Personal agendas win again. The man makes a lot of money, but he forgets that the folks in Radford struggle to make ends meet, and they don’t need anymore stress from fear of anarchy, or Covid-19.
September 16, 2020 @ 7:57 pm
My kid’s grandmother died from Corna virus last week. No one could be with her or say goodbye to her. Yesterday they lost a aunt and of coarse her husband couldn’t even see her to say goodbye! You would expect more from educated people 😭😭