Richmond – Today, Republican Party of Virginia Chairman, Jack Wilson, issued the following statement in response to Governor Northam’s decision yesterday to extend the closure of many Virginia businesses until May 8th:
“Virginians are the most resilient people on the face of the Earth. We have survived everything from the Civil War to the Great Depression. Virginia has bounced back before and will bounce back stronger than ever once this pandemic is over.
“However, we cannot begin the recovery process until our leaders give us that ability. That is why I urge the Governor to develop and announce an actual plan to reopen Virginia as quickly and as safely as possible. Northam has spoken in platitudes about the sacrifices in Virginia, but the reality for thousands of small businesses and their employees is stress and desperation. They need to see that the Governor has an actual plan to get them back to providing for their families.
“Virginia is one of the most diverse places in the Nation and should be treated as such. Abingdon has different needs than Arlington, Fairfax County and Franklin County have access to different resources, and Dublin and Paris know what works for one may not work for the other. Blanket policies do not work for Virginia.
“We cannot expect for life to go back to normal after so many jobs have been lost and so many families have struggled to put food on their tables. Governor Northam, Virginians need hope; now is your chance to give them that hope. Begin the process of reopening Virginia now.
“The Republican Party will continue to play its part in defeating this virus and getting our Commonwealth back to work.”
April 16, 2020 @ 4:35 pm
Yes he needs to get Virginia open and lift stay at order home because some people can’t stay home all the time
April 16, 2020 @ 6:08 pm
Again and again I’ll stand up for our Governor Northam, who has shown wisdom, courage, and calm in the face of this epidemic that has threatened Virginians’ lives young and old, and those further than our borders contain. Thankfully, he has been steadfast analyzing and reevaluating the facts and the data taking each and every morsel carefully to task in a microscopic examination, he’s been determined, like a heartfelt father, to protect us from a mighty and invisible predator. Despite whining and crying protests to the contrary, with his background rooted in medical science, what more qualified leader could we have?! I’m saying Thank you, Governor Northam for your caution and conscience for ALL our Virginians…let your voice join Dr Anthony Fauci in truth WARNING everyone to “take heed before dipping your toes in the water”…
April 16, 2020 @ 9:22 pm
It is better to error on the side of caution. The economy will rebound but a lost life is lost for ever.
April 17, 2020 @ 6:54 am
Saftey for Freedom! We need to be cautious and take measures to protect our selves and our community. But alot of the policies are inconsistent and not in the interest of our community. Fear and politics are driving these policies and not the Truth.
April 17, 2020 @ 7:15 am
Thomas Jefferson also said: He who gives his freedom for safety gets none of them.
Benjamin Franklin once said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
April 17, 2020 @ 7:19 am
I know that it’s hard but why are people in VA so stupid that they rather place their life in danger and go back to work than to believe that this is real. Because it has not effected your family don’t mean it’s not real. I don’t want to say home either but I want to be safe. My cousin is in Richmond,VA with this Virus. He has only opened his eyes in three weeks. Be not stupid.
April 17, 2020 @ 2:11 pm
No, I do not like being at home; however, I feel better than I’m not at my job dealing with so many customers not knowing if they are sick. This situation has it’s pros and cons but I want to be here with my children. People need to use common sense, just keep practicing social distancing and be safe. They did not even practice social distancing at the protesting rally so they must not care about their life.