This year, donate to the Emergency Needs Task Force
The Emergency Needs Task Force of Pulaski County (ENTF) has provided emergency assistance for the most financially vulnerable in our community for over 30 years. The longevity of the organization is a testament to the generosity of caring donors who support our mission while understanding that their support strengthens the entire community.
ENTF is an incorporated, nonprofit charitable organization committed to serving the needs of our neighbors experiencing a financial crisis. ENTF is a vital community resource supplementing efforts of other social service agencies.
In 2022, we provided over 3,600 services to 723 households consisting of 1,556 persons. Households with total income at or below 200% of the federal poverty income guidelines (for example, $55,500 for a family of 4) are eligible to receive assistance for rent/mortgage, utilities, fuel, food, gasoline (doctor appts., job interviews) and prescriptions (non-controlled).
The demand for our service has increased significantly over the past few years. The increased demand underscores that the continuing needs in our community are great. Our efforts to meet the demand is particularly challenging due to declining revenue from donations. We have been forced to reduce support across the board to better assist many rather than a few.
To sustain our mission and the future of the organization during this current economic environment, your participation and support are needed now more than ever! Your donations will strengthen our outreach and enable ENTF to continue to be a vital resource organization focused solely on aiding individuals and families experiencing a financial crisis in our community.
If you’re able, we will greatly appreciate your donation and we encourage community participation on all levels: citizens, local governments, private businesses and local industries.
The Board of Directors is enthusiastic and eager to launch our fundraising projects in 2023. We are exploring sponsorships and in-kind-campaign opportunities. Most recently, we increased our fundraising capabilities by implementing a donation website. Also, we are researching grant opportunities and actively seeking an effective grant writer.
Our partnership with New River Community Action allows ENTF to operate with little to no overhead costs. Donate with confidence knowing that your generosity will directly impact our community in a meaningful way. If you choose to donate by check, make checks payable to: The Emergency Needs Task Force of Pulaski County, 412 N. Jefferson Ave. Pulaski, VA 24301. Other monetary donations can be made via the ENTF website,