Pulaski County helps Virginia win 2020 Gold Shovel Award

~ Volvo Trucks’ 2019 Expansion Project Proved to be One of the Largest in the Country and Helps Virginia Secure a Gold Shovel Award from Area Development Magazine ~

Virginia wins the 2020 Gold Shovel Award from Area Development Magazine with the help of Pulaski County’s economic development success in 2019.  The project touted by Area Development Magazine as one of the largest in the country and the largest in Virginia, behind Arlington County’s Amazon and Incentive Technology Group, was Volvo Trucks 2019 expansion project that ranked 3rd in new jobs and 2nd in capital investment.  The project had a new jobs number of 777 and an investment total of $400 million.

Virginia’s receipt of the 2020 Gold Shovel Award is for states with a population of 8–12 million people. This annual award from Area Development Magazine recognizes states for their outstanding achievement in attracting high-value investment projects that will create a significant number of new jobs in their communities.

“We are celebrating alongside the entire state for bringing home this award and receiving the recognition Virginia deserves for being a premier location for businesses to invest in and create jobs,” stated Jonathan D. Sweet, County Administrator.  “We are delighted Pulaski County could be a major contributor toward this achievement and demonstrate Southwestern Virginia and specifically the New River Valley can pull our weight and help support the Commonwealth through projects like this that are made possible by our world-class education systems, robust infrastructure, unique product, and talented workforce.

The project was supported by the Pulaski County Board of Supervisors, the Pulaski County Economic Development Authority, the Pulaski County Office of Economic Development, the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, and Onward NRV.

Pulaski County, located in the New River Valley of Virginia, is home to nine (9) international companies that represents more than 5,000 advanced manufacturing jobs.  The County is considered to be Southwest Virginia’s Center for International Business and the New River Valley’s Advanced Manufacturing Hub.

Link to article Area Development Magazine article:  https://www.areadevelopment.com/Gold-Shovel-Econdev-Awards/Q2-2020/recognize-state-and-local-economic-development-efforts.shtml