Tuesday is primary day across Virginia

Tuesday is primary day in Virginia as three Republican candidates compete for the right to oppose incumbent U.S. Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat.

The three Republicans include Daniel Gade, Thomas Speciale and Alissa Baldwin.

Gade is a retired Army officer who was seriously injured in Iraq in 2005, losing a leg after his Humvee was hit by a roadside bomb. He advised President George W. Bush on military and disability issues and was President Trump’s appointee to serve on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, but withdrew his nomination after a lengthy delay in the Senate over his confirmation. Gade previously taught at West Point and now teaches at American University.
Speciale is a defense contractor and Army reservist.

Baldwin is a public school teacher in Nottoway County.
Warner is unopposed for the Democratic nomination.

Polls open at 6 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. and are located in the normal locations in the county. While this is a Republican Primary, all registered voters can vote in this primary, as Virginia does not register voters by party.

Remember to bring a photo ID to the polls.

If you have questions about where to vote or other issues concerning Tuesday’s primary, contact Kathy Webb, Director of Elections and General Registrar for the County of Pulaski, 87 Commerce Street, Pulaski or call 540-980-2111.