VSBA Conference on Education brings together Educational Leaders from across Virginia
Over 300 Virginia school board members, educators, governing officials, attorneys, and legislators, including Dr. Kevin W. Siers, Superintendent; Mr. Timothy Hurst, Chairman of the Pulaski County School Board; Ms. Beckie Cox and Mr. Bill Benson, Members of the Pulaski County School Board, attended the Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) 33rd Annual Conference on Education in Richmond, VA on July 17, 2018. The purpose of the conference was to offer participants the opportunity to learn about successful. Educational practices occurring throughout the state.
Participants had the opportunity to attend their choice of more than 30 mini-workshops on topics such as curriculum and instruction, workforce readiness, finance, partnerships, school/community relations, personnel, school law, discipline and special programs. The presenters included educations from state and local levels and business representatives.
About the Virginia School Board Association
Virginia School Boards Association, a voluntary, nonpartisan organization of Virginia School boards, promotes excellence in public education through advocacy, training and services. The Association offers conferences, information, training, and counseling designed to meet the needs of the Commonwealth’s educational leaders.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Brenda Crawford, Executive Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, at bcrawford@pcva.us, or 540-994-2519.