Big day for county coming Wednesday

Pulaski County logoBy MIKE WILLIAMS

Patriot Publishing

Wednesday, April 3 promises to be BIG for Pulaski County!

That’s the word from County Administrator Jonathan Sweet, when asked about the “recess” of the Board of Supervisors meeting last Monday night instead of the usual adjournment.

On Monday, Board Chairman Laura Walters asked her fellow supervisors to approve a “recess” of the meeting until 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 3, and the board unanimously approved the move without comment.

When quizzed about the recess this week, Sweet gave some details on what is planned when the board reconvenes on April 3.

“The board recessed until next Wednesday (April 3) at the Pulaski County Motorsports Park’s VIP tower,” Sweet replied.

Is there an announcement coming, he was asked?

“One of the biggest in the history of the county, yes,” Sweet responded.

“Then we’re going to recess and drive to Calfee Park in Pulaski where we’ll have another major announcement,” he continued.

“Probably one of the most historic days in the history of the county.  In fact, it’s one of the most historic days – president setting – for a locality in the Commonwealth is what we’re understanding,” Sweet elaborated.

“We’ve been working on this for a long time,” he added, calling the mysterious subject matter of the events – Project Duel.

On the agenda for this past Monday night’s meeting of the supervisors, two items were being discussed in executive session prior to the open board meeting.  One was Project Duel, the other Project Flex.

On Project Duel, discussion in closed session was to center around Acquisition or Disposition of Real Property and Legal Matters.

Sweet said, “We’ll have a reception at the Motorsports park and then reconvene and invite the community to the event at Calfee Park.”

So, big and exciting things are happening … we’ll know what some of them are this Wednesday.