Burroughs opens PrimalPhysio in Downtown Pulaski

Blacksburg native Nick Burroughs always wanted to own his own business. Now he’s realizing that dream along Main Street in Downtown Pulaski.

Monday marked the first day of business for PrimalPhysio at 74 West Main Street. His office is easy to find as it sits along the sidewalk that fronts the historic stone courthouse – around the corner from The Wedding Center.

While his physical therapy and integrative health business is new to town, Burroughs isn’t as he and his wife have lived here since 2012.

Nick Burroughs and his six principles of health. (Mike Williams photo)

“I’ve done all sorts of aspects of physical therapy,” Burroughs explained. “I’ve worked in-patient, out-patient, home health and in rehabilitation centers.”

During his 18 years of working for someone else, his dream of being his own boss lived on.

“I wanted to make the decisions for myself,” Burroughs said. “I wanted to be able to tell people how to properly rehabilitate themselves without any interference from anybody else. Because I think, after 18 years, I’ve got a good idea how to do that from my various experiences.”

Burroughs’ dream started becoming a reality in September.

“I felt like God was directing me in this direction, so I was driving downtown one day and saw a ‘For Rent’ sign. I called and got this whole thing going,” he said.

Burroughs took a look at the office and decided, “This is it.”

“I brought my wife here and she made some suggestions on how to remodel the space and I did the work pretty much myself,” Burroughs said, adding he did have help from a carpenter friend.  An electrician was hired to re-wire the office and he hired out the carpeting and painting as well.

Burroughs started moving equipment into the office in December to “make it look like a physical therapy clinic.”

“I’ve got everything I need for a clinic,” he noted.

Burroughs said he chose to open his business in Downtown Pulaski because he wants to be a part of what he called, “the re-awakening.”

“The rent is affordable and I like the location next to the stone courthouse,” Burroughs explained. “I feel like the town … this place needs focus. I would like to be a part of that. I’ve lived here seven years now and we just need to TLC it in Pulaski. I just know that if we put some focus into it and we attract small businesses and maybe large businesses, this place can be what it was back in its heyday – or at least how all my clients tell me it was like.”

Burroughs is hoping to get referrals of patients who need physical therapy from local physicians. However, he will also offer health coaching and fitness programs that people can come for on their own, which will make up the preventive health side of his business.

He believes in the old saying, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

While Burroughs offers traditional physical therapy services, he can also work with patients on whole life health.

“That’s where the integrative health comes in,” Burroughs said. “That incorporates everything, not just traditional physical therapy.”

Burroughs’ integrative health plan involves six principles that are designed to help his patients live a fuller, healthier lifestyle.

“Principle one is I teach people how to breathe properly, which comes in handy for people with respiratory disease,” he said.

Principle two involves movement.

“When the body doesn’t move, you develop diseases,” he said. “Take a walk – it’s the most therapeutic thing you can do.”

Principle three is getting proper nourishment, which touches on a patient’s nutrition.

Principle four is practicing gratitude.

“This goes mainly to social practices. Everything I read and hear tells me if you start practicing gratitude you’ll be a happier person. Health isn’t just how you look or feel – it’s how you feel emotionally and mentally,” Burroughs said.

The fifth principle is taking responsibility.

“No one is responsible for your well-being except you. That’s the bottom line,” Burroughs notes.

The final principle is empowering yourself.

“You need to be responsible to overcome whatever it is that is ailing you or limiting you,” Burroughs said.

“It’s a whole life, integrated approach.  “But a client might not want all this. They may come in to get their knee stronger, so okay, let’s just get your knee stronger.

“I’m not just limiting myself to traditional physical therapy, nor am I saying everybody has to have this holistic integrated approach to their well-being. It’s very flexible,” Burroughs said.

To start, Burroughs’ clinic is open in the mornings, as he still works full time in the home health field. He can, however, meet clients by appointment and is willing to also have Saturday appointments.

You can contact Burroughs at (540) 998-7701 or by email at theprimalphysio@gmail.com His website, www.theprimalphysio.com is currently under construction and will be up soon. Watch for it.