Cox resigns from Dublin Town Council


Patriot Publishing


At the regular meeting of the Dublin Town Council on April 18th, Dublin Mayor Benny Skeens announced that long serving councilmember Dallas Cox had submitted his resignation from the Council.


The resignation, effective May 17, 2024, would include any membership on boards or commissions where Cox served as a representative of the Town of Dublin.


Mayor Skeens had high praise for Cox saying, “He is the type of person, that if you have a younger son or daughter, they could emulate that man’s life right there and it would be good for everybody.”


He publicly thanked Cox for his service on Council and for the many ways he served the community over the years.


Cox served on the Board of the New River Airport Commission as Dublin’s representative and was instrumental in establishing the Southwest Virginia Veteran’s Cemetery.


Council will now have to name a new member to fill the vacancy left by Cox’s resignation.


Town Attorney Sam Campbell told Council that the Town’s website would have an announcement of the Council vacancy and would list the names of current Council members and their email address with the Town. Anyone interested in the becoming a Council member could contact current members and learn what is involved in being on Council and enter their name as a candidate.


The new member would serve out the remainder of Cox’s term which runs through December 31, 2024. Council hoped to appoint the new member at its regular meeting on May 16, 2024.


Campbell added that the May 16th appointment date was chosen to fill the vacancy immediately, so that Council would retain full membership. It would also allow time to for Council to consider a prospective appointee and to give a new member time to meet the June 18th filing deadline if they wished to run for a full term in the November general election.


Council next approved a resolution honoring the late Walter “Benny” Keister, Sr. Keister served four years as a councilman and twelve years as mayor of the Town of Dublin, as well as five years as a delegate in the Virginia General Assembly. He was heavily involved in the local community serving as an educator, magistrate, and member of the Pulaski County Lifesaving Crew.


In the budget report, as of March 31st, Town Manager Tye Kirkner said that General Fund revenues were 63 percent as compared to an anticipated 75 percent budgeted. He explained the revenue level was consistent with prior years and reflected the billing cycles for various taxes.


Projections to the end of the year had been made which showed general fund revenue performance close to budget even possibly running a little ahead.


General Fund expenditures were 67 percent as compared to 75 percent budgeted, some 8 percent less than expected.


The Enterprise Fund showed revenues of 81 percent as compared to a budgeted 75 percent and expenditures at 79 percent compared to 75 percent budgeted. Kirkner said that the increased expenditures in the Enterprise Fund did not reflect the transfers made from reserves into Enterprise Fund line items. He expected the fund to conform to budget estimates by the end of the year.


Council learned from Utility Superintendent Darrin Cullip that about 400 radio read meters were left to be installed and that the Town was waiting on the remaining meters to be delivered. The antennae had been installed and staff was scheduled for training on the new system on May 8th.


Sgt. Scott Isom thanked Council for recent equipment purchases for the Police Department. He told how new equipment such as the drone and the license plate readers had proven vital in the successful search for a missing juvenile and in recovering stolen property.


Council set the time for the July 4th Flag Raising at 9:00 am at the Dublin Town Center with the 4th of July Parade to begin at 11:00 am on Giles Avenue.


Kirkner told Council that due to term expirations, Council at its next meeting would have to make appointments for representatives to the New River Resource Authority and REMSI.


Council next recognized employees for their service to the Town. Sgt. Scott Isom was recognized for his valuable assistance with a variety of issues and his willingness to help with any task brought to him.


Council’s next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Town Center.