Kirkner resigns as Dublin Town Manager

dublin seal

Utility Superintendent Darrin Cullip named as successor



Patriot Publishing


At its May 16 meeting, Dublin Town Manager Tye Kirkner announced his resignation from the post of Town Manager and Clerk of Council. His resignation is effective September 30, 2024 with the end of his full time status on December 31, 2024.


Kirkner thanked Council for his time with the Town calling it “the most rewarding seven; seven and a half years of my work life.” He added that he “had made more friends and have worked with more dedicated people, than I have in my entire life.”


Kirkner said he would remain with the Town through the end of the year continuing on with building responsibilities. He recognized that because of the extensive grant activities of the Town that he wanted to work towards training someone on staff in writing and administering grants.


Based on Kirkner’s recommendation, Town Council appointed current Utility Superintendent Darrin Cullip as Town Manager and Clerk of Council effective October 1, 2024.


Council was told that the Fourth of July flag ceremony would be held at the Dublin Town Center at 9:00 a.m. with the Fourth of July parade down Giles Avenue to follow at 11:00 a.m. Grand Marshall for the parade will be Mr. James Tolbert.


Council next recognized Assistant Treasurer Kim Dalton for her extensive work in the planning, preparation and execution of the radio-read meter program. Kirkner praised her for her strong work ethic and her dedication to her work at the Town.


In its final action, Council entered extensive discussion with Town Attorney Sam Campbell and Kirkner over the request by the Pulaski County Public Service Authority (PSA) to have the Town of Dublin discontinue water service to Town water customers residing in the county who were delinquent in their sewer service charges to the PSA.


Under the State Code (Virginia Code 15.2-5138.3) the PSA may require the Town to cease its water service to delinquent county sewer customers.


Campbell presented Council with a draft letter to customers informing them of the pending cutoff and an outline for Council of the notification process required before the Town discontinues water service.


Council agreed to have a meeting with the PSA concerning the request.


Council’s next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Town Center.