PCHS girls tennis results

cougar headPlease find the results of the girls tennis match vs. Blacksburg from April 23rd:
In singles:
#1 Tori Cantrell lost 2-8
#2 Megan Martin won 8-6
#3 Miranda  Altis lost 3-8
#4 Abby Shockley lost 3-8
#5 Sabryn Landreth lost 0-8
#6 Eleanor Speed lost 0-8
In doubles:
#1 Cantrell/Martin lost 3-8
#2 Altis/Shockley lost 2-8
#3 Landreth/Speed lost  2-8

We lost the overall match 1-8 vs. Blacksburg.

In our doubleheader matchup at Carroll County scheduled on April 24th we won 9-0 and 5-0.
Please find the results of the 2 tennis matches below:
In singles:
#1 Isabel Weigel won 8-2
#2 Victoria Cantrell won 8-2
#3 Megan Martin won 9-7
#4 Miranda Altis won 8-2
#5 Abby Shockley won 8-1
#6 Sabryn Landreth won 8-0
In doubles:
#1 Isabel Weigel/Tori Cantrell won 8-6
#2 Miranda Altis/Megan Martin won 8-2
#3 Sabryn Landreth/Abby Shockley won 8-0
2nd match results vs. Carroll (see below)
In singles:
#1 Isabel Weigel won 8-3
#2 Victoria Cantrell won 8-1
#3 Megan Martin´s match at 5 was not finished due to the fact we already won the overall match)
#4 Miranda Altis won 8-0
#5 Abby Shockley won 8-3
#6 Sabryn Landreth won 8-0
We did not play the doubles matches as we already won the 2nd match of the doubleheader 5-0.
Please find the results of the girls resumed tennis match at Hidden Valley on April 25th:
In singles:
#1 Isabel Weigel lost 4-8
#2 Tori Cantrell lost 5-8
#3 Megan Martin won 8-4
#4 Miranda Altis lost 2-8
#5 Abby Shockley won 8-6
#6 Sabryn Landreth lost 0-8
In doubles:
#1 Cantrell/Weigel lost 6-8
#2 Martin/Altis won 8-5
#3 Landreth/Shockley won 9-8 (7-4 in a tiebreak)
We lost the resumed match 4-5.
Below are the match results for the 2nd match at Hidden Valley on April 25th.
In singles:
#1 Isabel Weigel lost 3-8
#2 Victoria Cantrell lost 3-8
#3 Megan Martin won 9-8 (9-7) in a tiebreak
#4 Miranda Altis lost  6-8
#5 Eleanor Speed lost 1-8
#6 Sabryn Landreth lost 3-8
In doubles:
#1 Isabel Weigel/Tori Cantrell won 8-4
#2 Miranda Altis/Megan Martin won 9-7
#3 Sabryn Landreth/Abby Shockley won 8-1
We lost the 2nd match overall to Hidden Valley also by a final score of 4-5.
Below are the match results vs. Patrick Henry High School from April 30th:
In singles:
#1 Isabel Weigel lost 0-8
#2 Victoria Cantrell won lost 0-8
#3 Megan Martin lost 4-8
#4 Miranda Altis lost 2-8
#5 Abby Shockley lost 0-8
#6 Sabryn Landreth lost 3-8
In doubles:
#1 Isabel Weigel/Tori Cantrell lost 2-8
#2 Miranda Altis/Megan Martin lost 0-8
#3 Sabryn Landreth/Abby Shockley lost 1-8
We lost the overall match vs. PH 0-9.
This moves our record on the year to 5 wins and 9 losses with 2 matches remaining vs. Cburg and Salem next week. I am very proud of the determination of this team! We had two very competitive matches vs. Hidden Valley and played extremely well after finishing off playing 5 matches in 3 days! We look forward to finishing the season strong next week.
-Coach Brandon Lawson