Pulaski County American Evolution 2019 Committee Announces ‘Women in History’ Project
At an early morning breakfast held Wednesday at PCHS, Carol Smith, Chair of the Pulaski County American Evolution 2019 Committee announced the committee’s most recent project: “Pulaski County Women in History.” The project’s purpose is to celebrate and honor outstanding women of Pulaski County’s past who made a significant difference.
“We want to honor the women of Pulaski County who helped make the County what it is today. In the past, women took a back seat … but some took a step forward,” stated Smith. These are the women who made a significant contribution in Pulaski County’s history that the committee wants to acknowledge and honor.

“The only criteria for being nominated are: the nominee is deceased; must have lived in Pulaski County sometime during her lifetime; and made a significant contribution to our community and positively impacted others,” Smith explained.
Nomination suggestions can come from individuals, clubs, organizations, businesses or anyone who wants to honor a woman who made a positive difference in their lives; perhaps an educator, public official, community organizer, medical professional, etc.
Nominations will be accepted from January 9th through May 1st and nomination forms can be picked up at locations throughout the county including Americare Plus (located in Pulaski beside Food Lion), The Visitor Center in Dublin, Public Libraries in Dublin and Pulaski, Draper Mercantile, First Bank in Fairlawn (close to Sheets) or from www.PulaskiCounty.org website.
The Pulaski County American Evolution 2019 Committee was established in 2018 to help bring awareness to the significance of key historical events that began in Virginia 1619 and continue to influence America today. It celebrates the 400th anniversary of events that took place in Virginia that have been instrumental in shaping our nation.
The mission of the Pulaski County American Evolution 2019 Committee is to showcase Pulaski County’s rich history by planning a series of educational programs, special events, and displays that will reinforce and emphasize the themes of democracy, diversity, and opportunity.
“Our committee has been planning and gearing up for a series of programs and events that will reinforce the themes of democracy, diversity and opportunity,” stated Smith. “Pulaski County has a lot to offer the community and our visitors and we plan to host various activities and displays throughout the year.”
Committee members include Shannon Anisley, Nancy Burchett, Elinor Farmer, Carolyn Matthews, Carol Smith, Michael Solomon, Mary Catherine Stout, Lisa Webb, Peggy White, and Rhonda Whitehurst.

Smith outlined specific upcoming events such as February’s Black History Month where the committee plans to focus on local people who made a difference in their community; April’s partnership with Radford and the Native American conference featuring nationally recognized flute musician and storyteller Kevin Locke; and May’s Women in History Tea at Draper Mercantile, celebrating the nominees and winners of the Pulaski County Women in History program. Winners’ names will be placed on a plaque that will be permanently displayed in the Pulaski County Court House.
Additionally, the committee will continue working on the Thanksgiving program “Pulaski County is…Thankful” with a goal for 2019 of placing on every table in Pulaski County, a candle with the words – ‘Pulaski County is…Thankful’ and for the candles to be collectively lit at each of our Thanksgiving dinner tables.
The candles will be made locally by Korona Candles Inc., in Dublin, Virginia. Korona is a Polish company and a global market leader in candle production. The Committee is currently seeking additional corporate and individual donations to make this project possible. “Each donation and candle purchase makes it possible for someone who can’t afford to buy a candle to receive one for free,” added Smith.
For additional information go to: https://nrvnews.com/pulaski-county-american-evolution-2019-committee/ or contact chsmith@pclibs.org