Santa’s Fly Away set for Saturday

Santa Fly Away

Santa has had a great time visiting Pulaski County this week on the ‘Big Red Express’ but insists it’s time to get back to the North Pole. At the conclusion of the Dublin Christmas parade on Saturday, December 16th, Santa will head straight to the airport to catch his flight back to the North Pole. Santa is scheduled to hit the runway at 12:30PM from the New River Valley Airport.

Mrs. Claus, the elves, and reindeer are all gearing up for Christmas Eve night. Santa’s sleigh has been in the shop all week getting ready for his travels and the reindeer have caught up on some much needed rest.

Before Santa’s airplane heads back to the North Pole, it will fly him around Pulaski County to wave goodbye one last time. His main focus will be flyovers concentrated over Loving Field (Pulaski), Riverlawn Elementary School (Fairlawn), and Randolph Park (Dublin). Please feel free to leave the parade and drive to one of these locations to give Santa his send off.

If you are not able to see this in person, Santa has agreed to let us go Facebook Live on our Pulaski County Parks & Recreation Page.

For more information visit “Pulaski County VA Parks & Rec” on Facebook to view details or contact our department at 540.674.1513.