School board to meet Tuesday

The Pulaski County School Board will meet on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. for a Regular School Board Meeting with a closed session before the meeting beginning at 5:30 p.m.  The meeting will be held in the auditorium at Pulaski County Middle School.

The first public comment session will be for persons who wish to address the board regarding items that are on the current school board meeting agenda.

Comments during this first public comment session will be limited to 10 people who will be given three (3) minutes to address the school board.

Persons who wish to speak during this first public comment session will need to put their name on the sign-up sheet at the entrance to the auditorium before the meeting.

Anyone who is not able to speak during the first public comment session will be able to address the board during the second public comment session at the end of the meeting. The second public comment period will limited be limited to 30 minutes.

The meeting will be streamed live on the Pulaski County Public Schools YouTube channel  The agenda is posted on BoardDocs.