Support the 4-H Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets Service Project
Hello Pulaski County 4-H and Extension Friends,
Please consider supporting the 4-H Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets Service Project started by our local 4-H’ers 13 years ago.
We’ve gone from supporting one family back then to 30 families per year now. Every dollar helps, whether $25, $50, or $95 to fill a complete basket or whatever you are able. Each sponsor gets us closer to our goal. We currently have 12 of 30 families sponsored for the 4-H Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets. Drop by the Extension Office no later than next Wednesday, November 16, to become a sponsor.
Check out the attached PDF and JPG for details. Any gift, is appreciated as we work with NRVCS, Social Services, and the Department of Juvenile Justice, to help meet the needs in our community.
Please forward along to others. We could really use help and some shout outs today and tomorrow, emails, any social media outlets you’re able.
Making the Best Better,
Chris Lichty & Cynthia Hurst