Council approves ordinance on 4-3 vote to allow methadone clinic expansion
Pulaski Town Council Tuesday evening voted to approve a request by Pulaski Medical for a Special Exception to town zoning laws that will allow for an expansion of the methadone clinic on East Main Street.
Pulaski Mayor David Clark cast the tie-breaking vote and an ordinance allowing the expansion passed, 4-3.
Voting “yes” along with Clark were council members Brooks Dawson, Joseph Goodman and Tyler Clontz. Voting “no” were Greg East, Lane Penn and Joseph Radcliffe.
We’ll have more later this evening on the decision.
July 16, 2019 @ 6:50 pm
This is stupid all this is doing is giving another drug to get high on
July 16, 2019 @ 9:43 pm
Well maybe to you Gina it’s just another drug to get high as you say, but I’ve been on methadone for almost 7 years since Pulaski medical has been open. I don’t get high from methadone and never have, all it does is replace my bodies dopamine which is pain receptors if you don’t know, which it sounds like you don’t know nothing about methadone or Suboxone. Do research deeply before you try and pass judgement. I didn’t ask to get injured severely and get hooked on pain meds and then my body stopped making its on pain medicine and then a no good doctor threw me out of pain management bc he got me hooked on pain meds. I have severe heart conditions for to having no natural pain control and that why I go there and trust me, it’s not too get high. That place is DEA Regulated to where each and every person goes there is tracked by Federal Government each time they go there. Methadone was made as a pain medication in Germany for their solider in want bc United States cut off their morphine supply. But then they also found out that methadone was good for Herion and opiate addicts to get off the harder withdraw effect of Herion and other opiate. Have you ever had a caffeine addiction or do you smoke, or eat to much or gamble or love sex to much or on your phone on FB if so your are an addict also. So don’t go judging a person by what you think you know or see. There are doctors,lawyers,judges, mother’s,father’s hell maybe one of your own family member is on methadone or Suboxone and you never knew it.
Johnnie Cox
July 17, 2019 @ 7:01 pm
As a recovering addict its replacing one drug for another. Just quit using if I can do it anyone can.