Cox announces bid for School Board from Robinson District

Sabrina Smith Cox has announced her candidacy for School Board in Pulaski County from the Robinson District.

“As I walked the district collecting signatures, it was my great honor to listen to and talk with residents regarding their concerns and hopes,” Cox said. “Rest assured that I’ve heard all of you loud and clear! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the privilege of conversing with you. You made this process pleasant and enjoyable.”

5 5 Sabrina
Sabrina Cox

A lifelong resident of Pulaski County, Cox said both her children had gone through the school system with one graduating this month.

She has also served as a substitute teacher in the school system for several years and adds that is partly what prompted her to run for school board.

A financial advisor and investment broker, Cox says she could basically “pick up and go anywhere I want to and take up residence and it would be no issue.”

“But I choose to live and work here. I think that is important. I think that matters,” she said.

Cox offered a list of things she will work to achieve if given the privilege of serving in this role:

– Unconditional clear, consistent and transparent communication with parents and the community

–  Reinstate authority to our teachers in their classrooms … LONG OVERDUE!!

– Prioritize developing college/trade ready students to compete in the global economy

– Advocate for taxpayers and fiscal responsibility while offering competitive salaries to retain and attract the best teachers

– Further advance the safety and security of our students and staff

– Promote positive relationships between the Pulaski County Board of Supervisors and the School Board so that the two boards, at the very least, can sit down together for the good of our community and our schools

– Inspire and support parents and teachers

“The future can and should be GREAT for all,” Cox exclaimed.  “I ask for your help in this endeavor and your vote November 7th!

God bless each and every one,” Cox said.